Frequently Asked Questions

We don’t provide individual photos of each product for sale. Rest assured, all items are inspected and in working condition. For concerns about scratches or dents, consider purchasing new products at Please review our product condition examples.

Not all products from are listed on, only products that we have available inventory on.

We recommend signing up for our email notifications. You can sign up at the bottom of the page, to get alerts about new inventory updates. Check back in a few weeks to see any potential new deals.

Our deals inventory changes regularly as new returns, factory defects, and inspected items become available.

At this time we do not accept store pickup. All products will be shipped via FedEx.

There is no major damage to any of the products, we have inspected the products to ensure that they will function as intended.

There may be some small scratches or cosmetic blemishes but overall the products will be in working condition.

Our inventory is updated on the site daily and can change quickly based on demand.

New products are added monthly based on returns and inspections.